Windows Vista Black Edition 2011

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Get help, support, and tutorials for Windows productsWindows 10, Windows 8. Windows 7, and Windows 10 Mobile. This isnt an authoritative answer Ive just had this problem, sifted through the initial bogus media coverage, found a solution, and started speculating on the real cause. Heres a workaround for the problem, though this company mis diagnosed the problem it wasnt an ACL problem. This fix is opaque and comes from a third party, but it fixed the problem for me http www. QYOXJdrwKk/T8izPVQI8qI/AAAAAAAABpg/tMa3pExV_u4/s640/16_wallpaper_xbiz.jpg' alt='Windows Vista Black Edition 2011' title='Windows Vista Black Edition 2011' />Windows Phone WP is a family of mobile operating systems developed by Microsoft for smartphones as the replacement successor to Windows Mobile and Zune. Windows. Newegg releases 2017 Black Friday ad with laptop, desktop PC, tablet deals. The online tech superstore will start its sale early on November 20 with a pair of 169. Tabtight professional, free when you need it, VPN service. Windows Vista Black Edition 2011' title='Windows Vista Black Edition 2011' />Black Screen woes could affect millions on Windows Vista and XP. Note their fix is an exe and they dont tell you what it does. I appreciate that they are helping, but they should fully disclose their fix so at least advanced users can have confidence in their good intentions. Heres a better possible reason for why the problem occurred a registry key telling Windows which shell to run on login was corrupted a REGSZ key was missing a 0. Sounds somewhat plausible, but the fishy part is what caused that http www. Windows Black Screen Root Cause. My symptoms observations I ran into this problem on a Win. Windows Vista Ultimate. I log in, get a black screen, and Windows never proceeds to setting up my desktop, etc ie, Windows never launches explorer. Running the fixing tool from Prevx did solve the problem, however their diagnosis for the cause of the problem was wrong their initial hypothesis was the ACLs were incorrect and implied Windows Update patches broke it, but that was wrong. They followed up with the non null terminated string hypothesis. Before running Prevxs tool, the registry key existed, Reg. Edit visually displayed the expected value explorer. ACLs were fine.   Yet, of course, I couldnt successfully log in. My pure speculation about the cause So if the missing 0 hypothesis is correct, and if the Prevx tool deletes recreates the value in the registry key, obviously that should fix the problem. FYI look at the MSDN docs for Reg. Set. Value. Ex for a note about the lp. Data parameter needing a 0. But that doesnt explain how the value got messed up in the first place  I dont go around removing terminating zeros from REGSZ values for fun nor profit. Sounds like either random corruption, or more likely, something wanted to run something when Windows boots then incorrectly undid their change to the registry. I saw that some MS security folks suggested this could be caused by malware http blogs. Operating under that hypothesis, I ran Forefront on Wednesday using the current signatures, but it didnt report anything. That may not spot a novel virus or rootkit, of course. Another wild guess perhaps the act of installing certain classes of patches could cause the problem, due to a hypothetical bug in Windows Update. Windows Update does something on boot up to configure patches, and it looks like this happens after login but before Explorer is running. Perhaps Windows Update itself could be editing this registry key to replace the shell with another program that configures patches or options to explorer. If your windows password has been forgotten, you can reset your windows password in minutes. The method given here works for Windows XP, Windows Vista, and. If you dont fancy the back story, skip directly to download. Sometime after the launch of XP, somewhere in Redmond, someone on the Microsoft design team was in the. Development of Windows Vista occurred over the span of five and a half years, starting in earnest in May 2001, prior to the release of Microsofts Windows XP. If thats how it works which is a big guess, then maybe when WU restores the registry key value to explorer. Win. 7.   Of course, I would have expect to see a bad value for this reg key in Reg. Edit if this were the case. I didnt perhaps there were some unprintable characters in the string, or Ive empirically shot down my own wild guess. Note my problem occurred on a Windows 7 Ultimate machine that was upgraded from Vista Ultimate. Diamond Island Game For Pc. Perhaps something during upgrade may have introduced some registry corruption that didnt show up until another value in the registry was changed later  BTW, to confirm the fix narrow down this fix, perhaps someone w a broken machine can reboot into Safe Mode, run Reg. Edit, delete HKEYLOCALMACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrent. VersionWinlogonShell then recreate the Shell key as a REGSZ key, with the value explorer. If that works, that could help confirm the cause and allow us to give standalone instructions for a fix that we can have more confidence in as opposed to telling people to run an exe from a third party. ZyX5eBYU/TTiL88kKgGI/AAAAAAAAACw/jleQ8Y1lp1E/s1600/AdaXPViennaBlackEditionSP3_wm.jpg' alt='Windows Vista Black Edition 2011' title='Windows Vista Black Edition 2011' />Windows Vista Black Edition 2011Windows Vista Black Edition 2011Get outspoken insights and expert advice on the products and companies that define todays tech landscape, from a source who knows these technologies inside and out. Windows 7 wont boot black screen w moveable cursor Black Screen after Boot up with Windows 7 Black after the Starting Windows screen Windows 7 boots to a. Beware of imitations the FastPictureViewer Codec Pack delivers true Windowscompliant image decoders that enable the full RAW viewing experience in.