Value Of An Employee Referral Program

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At Knoah, we provide our employees with a worldclass environment to promote their talent, extra curriculum activities to maintain worklife balance. Allina Hospitals Clinics Allina Hospitals Clinics is a family of hospitals, clinics and care services that believes the most valuable asset people can have is their. Clinical Support. With our nationwide network of over 53,000 licensed providers, we help members identify and resolve issues related to family conflict. PPT New Employee Orientation Program Power. Point presentation free to view. Title New Employee Orientation Program 1. Mercy Hospital Unity Hospital. New Employee Orientation Program Part One 2. Orientation 3. Welcome to Mercys Unitys New Employee Orientation Program. The following slides will aid you in preparing yourself to provide an excellent healthcare experience for our patients. To progress through the orientation information use the action buttons at the bottom right of the screen to proceed forward right button or backward left button by clicking on it with the mouse. While you are reading through these slides check off your progress on the New Employee Orientation Checklist This form can be obtained from the site you found this program on. It is then to be returned to your manager upon completion of this program. We hope you find this information helpful and look forward to having you join our exceptional health care team. Contents. Who Are We Mission, Vision Values Allina Hospitals Customers Accessing the Allina Knowledge Network Confidentiality HIPAA Extraordinary Workplace with Extraordinary Employees Safety Awareness Infection Control Your Role in Restraint Use Vital Patient Care Issues Advanced Directives Medication Safety Documentation Overview Information Services and Clinical Systems 5. Who We Are Mercy Unity Hospitals are dedicated to providing quality, cost effective health care to over 2. The hospitals have more than 3,7. Mercy Unity respond to a wide range of health care needs with specialty services including Bariatric Center Behavioral Service Cancer Centers The Cardiac Centers Emergency Services Orthopedics Neurosciences Womens Childrens Services A wide range of health education and support groups to help people quit smoking, deal with illness at the loss of a loved one, and other health and personal issues. Life. Line, a low cost emergency response system for the elderly or disabled. Elk Ridge Health, a clinic and surgery center in Elk River 6. Allina Hospitals Clinics Allina Hospitals Clinics is a family of hospitals, clinics and care services that believes the most valuable asset people can have is their good health. We offer a vast array of services and programs through our dedicated workforce of services and programs through our dedicated workforce of more than 2. We provide a continuum of care, from disease prevention programs to technically advanced inpatient and outpatient care to medical transportation, home care to medical transportation, home care and hospice services. Value Of An Employee Referral Program' title='Value Of An Employee Referral Program' />2009 A guide to providing services Aetna Behavioral Health Employee Assistance Program EAP 44. A 209. 18884363797 Genesys is a leader for omnichannel customer experience contact center solutions, trusted by 10,000 companies in over 100 countries. The U. S. Office of Personnel Management OPM, in cooperation with the Department of Health and Human Services, provides policy and guidance on Federal civilian. When will I receive my awards from a previous phase of the Referral Program Please see our timelines below October 16th, 2016January 15th, 2017 Tesla CarryOn. Medformation Medformation, a community service of Allina Hospitals Clinics, is a telephone health information and referral service, offering information on a broad range of hospital and clinic services and events Physician referrals Hospital programs and health screenings Registration for educational sessions and special events details. Call 6. 51 6. 28 4. Allina. com Allina. Allina Hospitals Clinics to support Minnesotans in making informed health decisions. This trusted, local, free resource offers the most up to date, credible health information, news and services. Log on at www. allina. What we strive for. Allina Mission We serve our communities by providing exceptional care, as we prevent illness, restore health and provide comfort to all who entrust us with their care. Allina Vision Put the patient first, Make a difference in peoples lives by providing exceptional care service, Create a healing environment where passionate people thrive excel, and Lead collaborative efforts that solve our communitys health care challenges. Defining-customer-value-proposition.jpg' alt='Value Of An Employee Referral Program' title='Value Of An Employee Referral Program' />Value Of An Employee Referral ProgramAllina Values Integrity Match our actions with our words. We live our values and mission in all decisions and actions. Respect Treat everyone with honor, dignity and courtesy. Respect values, cultures, beliefs and traditions of others. Value each others talents and contributions. Trust We act in the best interests of out patients, physicians, communities and one another. Compassion Dedicated to creating a healing and caring environment to support the emotional, physical spiritual well being of all. Stewardship Use our resources wisely. Commit to being thoughtful stewards of time, energy and talent. Living the Values. Why is it that some patients can have poor outcomes and still say that they wouldnt go anywhere else for their healthcare The difference is the relationships that we create with our patients. Its the customer service we provide. People come back to our hospitals because we live out our values and walk the talk not just give them lip service. Customer Service Basics Creating an excellent experience where patients feel assured, included and appreciated. While much of our work is of a high tech nature, we know the importance of connecting with our customers on a humanemotional level when beginning and ending any interaction. Who are our customers External Customers Patients Families Physicians Internal Customers Coworkers Other departments 9. The impact of body language, voice, tone and words. Are the words you are saying congruent with your body language and our tone of voice Do we say one thing but project the opposite Do we ask What else can I do for youWhen we breakdown communication, we realize that 5. To make the biggest impact, your actions must match your words 1. How to access policies on the Allina Knowledge Network AKN All policies are located on the AKN, an intranet site which can be accessed using our network computers. Ask the charge nurse to show you this site during your first shift. Confidentiality 1. Confidentiality. Maintaining a patients privacy and confidentiality is not only the ethical thing to do, its the law. We are committed to preserving the confidentiality of patient information. The inappropriate use and or release of information will result in disciplinary action and possible legal action. HIPAA The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act This revised Privacy Law places strict regulations around the privacy and security of patients health information. The law also mandates that we train everyone in the rules and provisions of this law. Protected Health Information. PHI is basically any information that identifies an individual or could reasonably be used to identify an individual. This includes, but is not limited to Name, address, age or SSN Health history and conditions, treatment or meds Hospital or clinic bill or payment record Any identification that an individual is a patient. It can be in any form Verbal, written or electronic Past, present or future medical information Minimum Necessary Rule Minimum Necessary Rule We must only use and disclose the minimum amount of patient information needed to do our jobs. Simply put You may only ask for, use and disclose patient information as needed for legitimate patient care or business purposes. Curiosity Killed the Cat Dont let it get you Sharing with others that you saw someone at the hospital or sharing of their health information may seem harmless to you but it can be very harmful to the patient and its illegalYou might be curious to look up information on a family member that is a patient here. Unless you need that information to do your job, you are prohibited from accessing that info. If in doubt, caution on the side of maintaining patient privacy. Release of Health Information We must have consent from the patient before giving any information to others, including spouse, family members, or friends. Employee Health Services Handbook. Agencies are currently offering a wide variety of health services. Your agency chooses the services that best meet its needs. The level of services will vary from agency to agency. Under 5 U. S. C. 7. Emergency ResponseFirst Aid. Your agencys qualified medical staff may provide first response and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation CPR for emergencies as well as assessment and initial treatmentfirst aid to employees who are injured, or become ill during work hours. Administration of Treatments and Medications. If furnished by the employee and prescribed in writing by hisher personal physician, your agencys qualified medical staff may administer treatmentmedication during working hours. Physical Examinations. Your agencys qualified medical staff may administer properly authorized pre placement and periodic physical examinations to assess an employees health status. Based on the results of the exam andor testing, medical staff may refer employees to the Employee Assistance Program EAP, private physicians, dentists, and other community health resources. Environmental Health Hazards Appraisals. Your agency may appraise and report work environment health hazards to department management as an aid in preventing and controlling health risks. Health Education. Your agency may provide health education to encourage employees to maintain a healthy lifestyle, to understand their risk for disease, and to become aware of appropriate preventive practices. For example, your agency may provide health education through health questionnaires, health risk appraisals, health fairs, newsletters, brochures, and presentations. Health Services Intervention Programs. Your agency may provide health intervention programs to promote and maintain physical and mental fitness and to help prevent illness and disease. Health Services Intervention Programs encourage and enable employees to initiate healthy behavior changes. Your agency may offer group activities and classes, individual counseling, demonstrations, and self help materials. Common Subject Areas for Health Education and Intervention Programs. Smoking cessation. Diet Nutrition. Cholesterol Management. Mental health and stress management. Hypertension control. Substance Abuse. HIVAIDS prevention. Blackberry Os 10 For Playbook Bar there. Exercise. Back care. Cancer prevention. Weight control. Disease Screening Examinations and Immunizations. Specific preventive health screenings or examinations may be sponsored at the workplace to detect the presence or risk of disease. Common workplace screenings include exams for blood pressure, mammography, blood lipids, glucose, vision and hearing. Medical staff may provide employees with immunizations, such as influenza and tetanus. Physical Fitness Programs and Facilities. Your agency may establish and operate physical fitness programs and facilities designed to promote and maintain employee health. Your agency may establish on site fitness facilities or use the services of a private facility. Activities may be offered without special facilities. Fitness programs include activities such as walking clubsevents, aerobic exercise classes, weight lifting instruction, stretching classes, fun runs, lectures on safe participation, and fitness assessments. Fitness assessments are physical tests that assess an employees level of fitness as compared to hisher peers. The fitness assessment might include a one minute sit up and push up test, 1. Public Access Defibrillation Programs. Federal agencies electing to establish a public access defibrillation program in a Federal facility must follow the guidelines contained in Guidelines for Public Access Defibrillation Programs in Federal Facilities, a product collaboratively produced by the General Services Administration and the Department of Health and Human Services. The guidebook may be obtained through a search from www. Office of Real Property MP, General Services Administration, 1. F Street, NW, Washington, DC 2.