Oracle 11G Oe Schema

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How to activate the hr schema in Oracle 1. Not sure this should even be an answer since the question is kind of light on concrete details, but you need to grant the appropriate privileges on the database to the new users for them to be usable. For example you need to grant create session for the user to be able to connect and appropriate access to the tables the users should have access to. Then the users have the correct privileges, you should be fine using SQL developer. OE Order Entry schema useful for dealing with matters of intermediate complexity. Many data types are available in this schema, including nonscalar data. I am learning PLSQL and am using SQL Developer cause I created many users with hr schema. But when a user logs in to SQL Developer give an error like the users is. About Securing Oracle Database User Accounts. You can use many methods to secure database user accounts. For example, Oracle Database has a set of builtin. Prerequisites. To audit issuances of a SQL statement, you must have the AUDIT SYSTEM system privilege. Citrix Adobe Reader No Printers. However, the AUDIT SYSTEM system privilege is not required when. You can find a sample that may help you setting up a user correctly over here but setting up permissions on the database is a bit dependent on how you want the security to work ie read only, stored procedures, access to certain tables restricted.