Ghostsrv Exe Switches

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Ghost. Cast Server command line options. Thank you for your. Shango Medium Font. Subscribe to this Article. Manage your. Subscriptions. Situation. You want to know which switches I can use with the Ghost. Cast Server. Solution. You can run the Symantec Ghost. Cast Server from the command line by including switches with C Program FilesSymantecGhostghostsrv. Use a batch file or third party scheduler application to start the server. The syntax for running Ghost. Ghostsrv Exe Switches' title='Ghostsrv Exe Switches' />Cast Server is as follows ghostsrv filename session optionsBelow you find the available switches for the Ghost. Cast Server. Please note that the variable within the brackets has to be replaced with the desired number rather than being added to the command. Example If you want to set the Ghost. Cast Server to wait for 1. N1. 0 and not Ncount. Switch Description N. Starts the Ghost. Kendrick Lamar Section 80 Download Zippy more. Cast transmission after N count clients have joined the session. TStarts sending to a session automatically after a specified time 2. O. Starts transmission minutes after the last client connection. L. Creates a log file specifying log level E, S, W, I, or A. Q39dEX3E/U6GgbSx2X-I/AAAAAAAAAEg/4mbUKFxvVWY/s1600/ssa.png' alt='Setup Exe Switches' title='Setup Exe Switches' />Find Exe SwitchesGhostCast Server commandline options Table 31 lists the GhostCast Server commandline switches. Closes ghostsrv application after GhostCast session completion. D. The ghost software for enterprise, including Ghost 12. Deployment Solution 6. Features. Ghost is marketed as a backup program. The log level X can be E errors, S statistics, W warnings, I information, or A all in increasing order of logging detail. F. Specifies log file name for the L option and is by default, Ghostlog. CCloses ghostsrv application after Ghost. Cast session completion. DUses create from client mode. Restore to client is the default. RRestarts the Ghost. Cast session on completion and waits for client connections again after Ghost. Java Exe SwitchesCasting is complete. PSpecifies partition mode operation. If restoring to clients, the partition number must be given. If creating an image from client, no partition number is required. UForces the multicast mode, as follows. UM Multicast UU Unicast UD Directed Broadcast M. Sets the multicast address to xxx. Addresses between 2. Exe Switches Command Line' title='Exe Switches Command Line' />M. Specifies a range of multicast addresses. The address is chosen from within this range. Addresses between 2. DISK. Specifies the client disk number to which to restore or create the image file. PART. Specifies the client partition number to which to restore or create the image file. G. Specifies switches to include in the command line and those used by the Ghost application. HL. Sets the maximum amount of bandwidth consumed while restoring an image, where xxx is the number of megabytes per minute. HD. Sets the maximum amount of bandwidth consumed while creating an image, where xxx is the number of megabytes per minute. TTL. Sets the multicasting time to live. Example 1.  Launches Ghost. Cast Server session 1. Disk. 1 N3. Example 2. Launches Ghost. Cast Server session 1.